Age Spots & Brown Spots in Washington, DC
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Age spots and brown spots are commonly seen on the skin as it ages, often as a result of sun damage. Also known as sun spots, these dark spots on the skin can appear anywhere on the body but are most commonly seen on the face and hands. The Center for Laser Surgery offers effective laser treatments for reducing the appearance of age spots and overall sun damage on the skin.
How are Age Spots and Brown Spots Treated?
Various lasers and light devices can be used to diminish or remove individual age spots and brown spots such as the Q-Switch Ruby Laser and PicoSecond Nd:YAG laser. For more diffuse age spots or sun damage IPL Photofacial treatments or Fraxel Skin Resurfacing are more effective when treating diffuse sun damage of the face, neck, or chest.
What Can I Expect During Treatment?
Dr. Adrian will work with you to identify the best treatment option based on your skin’s condition. During an initial consultation a treatment plan will be created to address each patients unique concerns, keeping downtime and procedure cost into consideration.